Time(s):  10:30 – 11:30 a.m.

Virtual event.

Partners In Feeding

This 3-week course is all about feeding!  This course will cover feeding difficulties in children with Autism and practical strategies to make mealtime a success in your home.  Each week will focus on one aspect of feeding disorders in children:  oral motor, sensory, and behavioral concerns.  Parents will walk away with a variety of strategies to use during mealtimes with their children.

Presenter(s):  This is an interdisciplinary group education course.  Clinical team members from our Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy, and Clinical Supervisor team will present during this 3 week course.

Location:  Virtual.

Please register at least a week in advance.  Contract the Family Caregiver Specialist (see below) for last minute registration.

Registration: Click here to register.

Please call the Family Caregiver Specialist at (952) 513-4990 with any questions or assistance with registration.

This event is limited to current Partners In Excellence clients.