Feeding Therapy
Feeding Therapy is a therapeutic treatment program focusing on expanding a child’s diet. Feeding Therapy focuses on increasing the tolerance of different food textures, behaviorally shaping developmentally appropriate responses to presentation of novel foods, and improving the oral motor skills required for feeding.
At Partners, Speech Language Pathologists, as well as Occupational Therapists, employ an individualized approach to Feeding Therapy based on the child’s needs. Therapists incorporate play-based feedings as well as other specific strategies in order to increase motivation, interest, and participation of the child during meal time. Therapists also utilize a combination of the Food Chaining Approach and the Talk Tools® Sensory Motor Approach to target the child’s sensory and/or oral-motor needs. Feeding Therapists collaborate directly with our Behavior Therapists throughout the day to provide ongoing coordination of care and facilitate skill generalization. Our multidisciplinary approach to feeding allows children in Feeding Therapy to practice feeding skills in a variety of settings. We have found that the consistency in expectations and interventions throughout the child’s therapy translates to increased progress with their Feeding Therapy goals. Feeding Therapists also collaborate with parents and caregivers in order to maximize the generalization of skills into home and various community settings. At Partners, we have witnessed Feeding Therapists help turn meal times into a positive experience for the child and family, while simultaneously meeting the nutritional needs of the child.
Feeding Therapy is currently available at all of our locations.
If your child is enrolled at Partners and you believe your child would benefit from Feeding Therapy or you would like more information, please notify your child’s Primary Behavior Therapist. If your child is a prospective client and you have an interest in learning more about Feeding Therapy or enrolling your child in Feeding Therapy services at Partners, please complete the Occupational Therapy/Speech Therapy/Feeding Therapy Interest Form in your enrollment package.

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Hours of Operation
Open Monday-Friday: 8 am - 5 pm
We are closed on the following days in 2024:
May 27th, July 4th, July 5th, September 2nd, November 28th, November 29th, December 23rd, December 24th, December 25th
Arden Hills Therapy Center
4255 Lexington Avenue
Arden Hills, MN 55126
Phone: (952) 746-5350
Fax: (952) 746-6131
Burnsville Therapy Center/Corporate Office
14301 Ewing Avenue
Burnsville, MN 55306
Phone: (952) 746-5350
Fax: (952) 746-6131
Minnetonka Therapy Center
5501 Feltl Road
Minnetonka, MN 55343
Phone: (952) 746-5350
Fax: (952) 746-0992
Winona Therapy Center
223 Center Street
Winona, MN 55987
Phone: (952) 746-5350
Fax: (507) 474-4890
La Crosse Therapy Center
901 Caledonia Street
La Crosse, WI 54603
Phone: (952) 746-5350
Fax: (608) 785-4101