Partners In Excellence | Occupational Therapy

Occupational Therapy

If you believe your child would benefit from Occupational Therapy while enrolled at Partners, speak to your child’s Primary Behavior Therapist about setting up an assessment.

Occupational Therapy is available at all partners locations.

Minnesota & Wisconsin

We Empower Children, Support Families, & Change Futures

At Partners, Occupational Therapists, Behavioral Therapists, and parents work together to set goals and select activities that will be most appropriate and beneficial to each child. A variety of specialized programs are available to clients, depending on their individual needs and goals.

Gross Motor Skills: Whole body movements including postural control and stability, balance bilateral coordination, motor planning, and ball skills.

Fine Motor Skills: Hand movements including visual-motor integration, grasping, and prewriting/writing skills.

Self-Help Skills: Activities of daily living including dressing, fasteners, hygiene, grooming, and feeding skills.

Self-Regulation Skills: Ability to regulate through daily tasks with focus on transitions, attention to task, play skills, sensory modulation, and emotional regulation.

Purposeful, Fun and Age-Appropriate Activities That Assist Children in Achieving Important Life Tasks.

Each child's Occupational Therapy plan of care is individually tailored to meet their unique needs. Your child's frequency and duration of sessions will be determined by their occupational therapy practitioner. Occupational therapy services at Partners In Excellence is a collaborative process in which the families are encouraged to observe sessions, attend meetings, and provide feedback to ensure their child and family's needs are met.

Achieve Important Life Skills

Motor Skills

Improving gross and fine motor skill development.

Eye / Hand

Working on eye / hand coordination skills.


Self-care skills such as dressing, grooming, or eating.

Sensory Processing

Getting a grasp for sensory processing and self-regulation skills.


Engagement in meaningful activities with a variety of toys, games and tools with emphasis on interactive occupational skill acquisition.

Expand Food Choices

Expanding food choices using concepts from the Sequential Oral Sensory (SOS) and food chaining approaches

Does My Child Need OT?

Your child may benefit from Occupational Therapy if he or she experiences difficulty with:

Performing Self-Care Activities

Such as dressing, buttoning a shirt, or brushing their teeth.

Struggles with Textures or Flavors

Specific textures or flavors of food or drink as demonstrated by gagging or vomiting when new foods are introduced.

Tolerating Tactile Input

Often shown by avoiding messy activities or frustration with textures of clothing, physical contact, or soap and lotion.

Fine Motor Activities

Such as handwriting, cutting with scissors, clothing fasteners ,or difficulty opening containers.

Initiating or Completing Tasks

Such as doing a simple puzzle, stringing beads or playing on the slide or swing.

Cognitive Tasks

Such as following instructions or classroom rules, problem solving, sequencing, patterning or organization.

Maintaining Attention

Maintaining an appropriate level of arousal and attention throughout the day.


Balance, maneuvering, and body awareness.


Getting a grasp for sensory processing and self-regulation skills.


Tolerating changes in every day routine.

Helping Children and Families Succeed Together

At Partners Autism Therapy Centers, we help children facing challenges build confidence at home and in everyday life. With a wide range of services, diverse therapies, and a dedicated team, we provide personalized care and expert support to ensure your child thrives, from diagnosis to progress.